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How can you change the world if you don't know how to...

business Sep 18, 2019

I've notice that the world is being changed by people just like you. In fact, this world and everything in it was created by people who are not smarter than you are. So you can change the world, but only if you know to sell. 

Oop! I just lost you! You don't like to sell. You don't like people who sell. And you've already made up your mind about this but selling is serving. Selling is influencing. Selling is finding common ground. Selling is having an open mind. 

The world is changing because of people who know how to sell. Maybe not a product or a service, but an idea or a solution. 

Before people buy your product or service, they buy into the transformation in their business or the community. 

If you want to get more sales, I have some tips: 

  1. Learn to negotiate. There are some attorneys who are really good at this but they don't call it sales. It's sales. And read the book by Chris Voss called Never Split the Difference. It's a great book on negotiating.

  2. Stop focusing on the sale and focus instead on serving and helping. Find three ways you can help someone for free -- before the transaction. The reciprocity it creates will do most of the selling for you. 

  3. Have a product people actually want. The best sales people have tailored their product or service to solve real problems that real people have. If the best salesperson can't make a living selling your memberships, you don't have a sales problem. You have a product problem. 

If you want to learn more about selling memberships, check out my Membership Year One program. 

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