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Did you get blown off-course? Or is this the better course?

Uncategorized Apr 02, 2020

  Well, so much for your strategic plan, right? We need a new strategic plan and we need a better way to communicate it FAST. 

But your last strategic plan was developed over weeks or months and you gathered the team and the board and brought in a facilitator but all of that is a lot more complicated-slash-impossible right now. 

So here is a simple approach to rebuilding your strategic plan. First, get your compass. Your mission statement, your vision statement and your organizational values. Then, list your actions. 

The actions on your last strategic plan are irrelevant so start over right now, today. List up to five different focus areas. Have a goal for each. Have a target date for each. And have a champion for each. 

And here's the deal... the Champion can't be you on every single one. Delegate. Team up. Have one or two champions on one or more goals. No more than 2 or 3 goals per focus area. Keep it simple. 

If you followed the launch of my new Chamber Mission Met program, you got access to a series of videos that explain all of that. If you didn't, click below for access to these videos. 

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